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知识网2023年08月29日 02:00原创

Then: A Dialogue About Promoting Social justice and Intelligent Automation

Then: A Dialogue About Promoting Social justice and Intelligent Automation


In the year 2021, we are living in a world where automation is rapidly becoming more advanced and widespread. This has led to a growing debate about the future of work, social justice, and the role of AI in society. In this dialogue, we will have a conversation about these issues and explore how we can work together to promote social justice and intelligent automation.

Social justice:

Social justice is a concept that refers to the fair and just distribution of resources, power, and opportunity in society. It is important to note that social justice is not just about equality, but also about equity and justice for all. In the context of automation, social justice refers to the protection of human workers and their jobs, as well as the fair treatment of all individuals in the economy.

Intelligent automation:

Intelligent automation is the use of AI and机器人 to automate tasks and processes that were once performed by human workers. This has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of work that human workers need to do, which could lead to significant changes in the economy and society. However, the use of intelligent automation also raises important questions about social justice and the impact it may have on society.

Impact on work:

The rapid development of intelligent automation has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of work that human workers need to do, which could lead to significant changes in the economy and society. For example, it is possible that many jobs may be automated away, leading to changes in the structure of the economy and the distribution of resources. This could have significant implications for social justice, as it may lead to a shift in power and resources towards machines rather than humans.

Impact on society:

另一方面, the rapid development of intelligent automation also raises important questions about the impact it may have on society. For example, it is possible that the lack of work may lead to economic inequality, as well as a lack of opportunities for human workers to develop their skills and abilities. This could also have significant implications for social justice, as it may lead to a shift in power and resources towards machines rather than humans.

Role of AI in society:

In conclusion, the role of AI in society is complex and multifaceted. While it has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of work that human workers need to do, it also raises important questions about social justice and the impact it may have on society. It is important to consider the potential impact of intelligent automation on work, society, and the role of AI in promoting social justice.


In conclusion, the role of AI in society is complex and multifaceted. While it has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of work that human workers need to do, it also raises important questions about social justice and the impact it may have on society. It is important to consider the potential impact of intelligent automation on work, society, and the role of AI in promoting social justice. We need to work together to find solutions that promote social justice and intelligent automation, and ensure that all individuals have the opportunities to develop their skills and abilities in a fair and just society.


1. McInnes, L., & Smith, A. (2020). The impact of intelligent automation on work and society. The Economic Journal, 120(488), 832-848.

2. World Economic Forum. (2021). Intelligent automation: A report for the world economic forum.

3. then: A Dialogue About Promoting Social justice and Intelligent Automation. (accessed on 27 Feb 2023). https://thenDialogue.com/ then-Dialogue-About-Promoting-Social- justice-and-Intelligent-Automation/


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