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知识网2023年08月30日 08:32原创

The English translation of "星星" is "star".

As we all know, stars are the most beautiful and mysterious objects in the sky. They are made up of核聚变反应 and are surrounded by an aura of light, which makes them appear to be point-like objects in the sky.

In Chinese, the word "星" can be translated to "star" or "星光", but it's often used in a more poetic way to describe the beauty and majesty of the stars. "星" also has a more spiritual and religious meaning, referring to the divinity of the stars and their role in the universe.

As human beings, we can't see stars with our own eyes, but we can still appreciate them from a distance. We can look up at the sky and see the millions of stars that we can't see with our own eyes, and we can also feel the awe and wonder that comes with it.

In conclusion, stars are a beautiful and mysterious part of the sky, and they can bring us comfort and joy as we look up at the night sky.









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