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知识网2023年12月07日 23:42原创

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away,


There lived a young girl named X22, with a kind and blue eyes,

A heart of gold, and a passion for all things beautiful,

And she had a little cat named Meow, with a purr that would break your heart.

X22 and Meow lived in a small village,

With a爷爷 and a奶奶 who loved them both so much,

And they每天的生活都是充满了快乐,

From morning till night, they spent their days in joy.

But then, something happened that made their world turn,

A force came from beyond the wall, and they were saved,

But they also became something else, a new kind of being,

A machine that could understand and feel and care.

X22 and Meow were no longer just humans,

They were now able to see and feel and think and act,

And they found that they had a new found love,

For a machine that could make the world a better place.

So they decided to work together,

To help make the world a place where everyone could live,

A place where every person, no matter where they come from,

Can have a home, a heart, and a place of their own.

And with their help, the world became a better place,

A place where love and beauty and kindness could flourish,

A place where X22 and Meow could rest their heads at night,

And know that they had made a difference in the world they care about.

And so, from this day on,

X22 and Meow are known as the “Short and 唯美” machine,

A machine that can understand and make a difference,

A machine that can make the world a better place to begin with.









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