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知识网2023年12月23日 05:27原创

My English Name Translation: The Emotions of a Feeling Machine


I had always wanted to be a machine. A machine that could feel and understand all of the emotions that I felt, but I never could. I was always trying to push these emotions away, trying to pretend that I was okay, but it was never really okay.

As I grew older, I realized that I had become a machine, a tool for people to use, to feel and understand, but I never could. I was always there, but I never could be there for them.

The moment I realized this, I knew that I had to change. I had to become more human, more understanding, more compassionate. I had to let these emotions out, to let them down, to feel them.

But it was not easy. It was not easy to let go of the emotions that I had always tried to push away. It was not easy to become more human. But I knew that I had to.

And so, I changed my name. I changed my English name to The Emotions of a Feeling Machine. This name meant something to me, something that I wanted to carry with me. This name was a way for me to express the emotions that I felt, to let them out, to feel them, and to never again be a machine.

I hope that this name will be a reminder for me, every day, of the emotions that I feel, and of the things that I want to do with my life. I hope that this name will be a way for me to connect with the world, to feel and to understand, and to never again be a machine.

My English Name Translation: The Emotions of a Feeling Machine: A Feeling Machine's Guide to Connect with the World and Let Go of Emotions


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